Membership Committee
What we do:
The Membership Committee mission is to grow our club’s membership, and engage existing club members in Rotary service activities.
Who we are:
Brian Congleton, Chair
Jim Swallow
Steve Frauenholtz
Kirk Conway
John Kirsher
Gerald Traynor
Mark Grandcolas
Our goals for the year:
Because Rotary and our club offer unmatched potential to anyone who wants to accomplish good in the world, we want to increase our number of active members ….to do this, We ask each current club member will bring a prospective new member to our weekly lunch!
To increase member engagement, when a new member is inducted, his/her sponsor will explain rotary club functions, and expose them to potential service opportunities, including committee participation.
Committee updates & latest news:
In these last six months, we have welcomed six new members to our club!