Service above Self -Carmel by the Sea Rotary Club Service Projects
“We only have what we give” - Isabel Allende
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Service Projects We Support
“Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, but of mending the part that is within our reach. Any small thing one soul can do to help another, will help immensely. It is not given to us to know which acts, and by whom, will cause the critical mass to tip toward an enduring good.” - Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Our club partnered with Rotary of San Miguel de Allende to build dry compost toilets for 22 families in rural Mexico, where neither fresh running water nor fertilizer is available, and communities suffer from the ills of open defecation. While we all take toilets for granted, these compost toilets are life changers for this rural community.
The CYC provides services and leadership to meet the emerging needs of young people and their families in our community, so all young people acquire the skills, self-confidence, and opportunities to realize their full potential. Our Club has generously supported the most recent building re-model and expansion of the Carmel Youth Center.
Rancho Cielo Youth Campus in Salinas CA, has a 20 year track record of successfully turning around troubled youth, and Carmel by the Sea Rotary Club has been a big supporter since their inception. Today, under a Rotary International Global Grant, our club is developing a new Classic & Antique car repair vocational training program at Rancho Cielo. Monterey County is an epicenter for Classic & Antique cars, yet the restoration skill set is “aging out” and NO vocational training exists on how to repair these cars - until now!
We partnered with the Salinas Steinbeck Rotary club to help build a well, pump, distribution and storage system for a community of over 800 families in El Salvador, who previously has to walk for miles each day, to hand deliver water to 75% of their homes. This project has been transforming the lives of over 5000 people in Las Granadillas.
Since 1978, Big Sur Land Trust has conserved over 40,000 acres throughout Monterey County. Our club has been a consistent generous benefactor of the work of the Big Sur Land Trust, so these open spaces can be enjoyed by generations of people throughout Monterey County.